Tuesday, February 13, 2007

One day until departure

I am definitely excited at this point for my trip. It doesn't really seem like it is happening, but I'm sure reality will hit me when I get off the plane in Prague. Prague is seven hours ahead of central time, eight ahead of mountain time... I am sure the jet lag will be something to contend with.

If you are interested in what I will be doing my first week at school (orientation week), you can click the following link to see the schedule as provided by the international student club.
Our international club "buddies" will also be picking us up from the airport and taking us to the dorms to fill out papers and get settled, so that will be all taken care of.

I have been so blessed to have so many good friends helping me along the way this past week, especially Meg and Kristen who have hosted me for an entire week now. I will miss you all, but at least I will have Europe and Africa to console me! :)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That is so exciting! I have to say, I arrived in Praha a year ago today. I hope you have as great of time as I had! Have a lot of fun! If you have questions shoot them my way or check my old blog from last year (http://mandysczechexperience2006.blogspot.com/) it has a lot of useful stuff about day to day life and some interesting finds in Praha! Have fun at the immigration police station...and make sure you go early!!! Take care and have a pivo for me!