Monday, February 12, 2007

Everything's up to date in Kansas City

Yes, that is correct. I am finally in KC after a long Greyhound bus ride on Wednesday, and some time spent in Manhattan and Lawrence. I got to see all my friends from school, got all the shots known to man and malaria pills at the student health center, and failed miserably at finding a place to live next year. Now I am staying with my very good friend and ex-roomie Kristen. She and her mom live downtown KC near the plaza. Its a pretty cool area. Last night we went out and got pizza and Coldstone ice cream with a friend of hers from work, and then randomly saw the movie Babel. It was a very powerful film, but its plot had a few flaws. The film also had some very strong anti-American undertones to it which I found not necessarily inaccurate but odd none-the-less because the film is a work of fiction.

Anyways, enough about the movie. Kristen is actually getting ready to leave for Costa Rica for six months also and is flying out just 2 hours before me, so it all worked out pretty well as far as getting to the airport goes and that kind of thing. She is at an interview to get into nursing school in the fall right now so I have the house all to myself. Well, me, Tofu the cat, and KC the dog. :)

So now it will be just a few more days before I am outta here. Although maybe I should lighten my suitcase a bit before I go. It weighed exactly 50 pounds when I left Denver. :)

And I want to test out this picture feature so here is a picture of Meg and me at Houlihan's in Manhattan on Friday night with our "fancy drinks."

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