Thursday, May 24, 2007

Week 14: Barcelona! (sang to the tune of My Shirona)

Shortly after posting last week, we departed for Barcelona. Our flight left Prague at 1:30 on Thursday. All things went as planned and we arrived safe and sound to our hostel located just north of Las Ramblas. Here is a picture of the crew that went on the trip... not a bad looking bunch I'd say. :)

Our first order of business was getting some tapas and sangria and then heading for a stroll down Las Ramblas. We ate dinner at a completely random, non touristy restaurant where I attempted to translate the entire menu for my friends (which was actually in Catalan so the waiter had to tell me in Spanish first lol) and then strolled down the beach. Excellent first evening.

Friday we went to the beach and built an incredible sand castle. Of course, the engineering boys were more concerned with making a working moat, drawbridge, and defense wall than a castle. Ha can you tell which part I made?

After the beach we went back to the hostel and showered before getting some lunch and heading to the Sagrada Familia Cathedral by Gaudi (among others). Pretty impressive stuff my friends, let me tell you!

That night we did a lot of walking around on Mont Juic and watched the magic fountain go off. The next day we got up early and headed to Parc Guell, another Gaudi creation. I pretty much loved it.

"Czech" me out on the bench!

Later that day the weather took a turn so we hit the Picasso museum for a few hours and then did some sightseeing in that area. Jon got in a strong man competition accidentally and did pretty well... lol. That night we went out and experienced a little Barcelona nightlife...

Then next day I got up bright and early and saw the Casa Mila (yet another Gaudi project... my favorite one too!)

And the roof terrace!

After that we hit the Barcelona Pavillion by Mies van der Rohe- a must see for architects... then the boys and I headed back to the beach while the Heathers did more sightseeing on Mont Juic. After the ocean we walked by the Torre Agbar just for fun.

And then I had the most delicious dinner ever at La Fonda and probably ate the best dessert of my life... not even kidding. A quick midnight dip in the ocean and we headed back to the hostel for bed so we could get up early and catch our flight back.

We arrived back in Prague around noon Monday and I began another busy week. I had to get a new transportation card, study and take my Czech final, get a lot done in studio, turn in my urbanism final project, finish figure drawing for the semester, go running every day, do laundry, gather everyones photos, organize an office visit to Studio VM, and find a pirate costume to wear to the final ISC party of the year... a boat party on the Vltava River that was on Tuesday night (and also was incredible). Oh, and somewhere in there I found time to go to the premier of Pirates of the Carribean 3. Maybe that is why I only got three hours of sleep last night!

Currently I am really ridiculously excited about watching the two hour season finale of LOST, so Im going to call this post done so I can go to Delvita with Brittany and Jeff to get champagne and cake to have while watching it. Tomorrow I am having dinner with Larry, Katerina, and Daniel before they leave for the US. I am leaving for Berlin on a bus at midnight and will be there through Monday! Ahh... the crazy life I lead! Miss you/love you. Sally

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