Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Week 13: Prague (strange isn't it?)

Ahh a nice weekend in. Friday night we hit the much hyped Cross Club... it was very cool. There were all these motorized engine parts all over the walls and ceiling with neon lights so it was crazy looking inside. But alas I have no pictures because one camera is out of commision, one camera is in the shop and won't be ready for 2-3 weeks, and the third, oldest camera of them all is currently in possesion of the US or Czech postal service... I don't know which is worse.

Saturday morning bright and early I went to the dress rehearsal for one of the orchestras playing in the Prague Spring music festival. Normally tickets are 2000 kc, but since a friend of a friends uncle plays in the symphony, we got in for free. I spent the rest of the weekend being the biggest vegetable ever because I was so worn out from all the travelling. That and I started running again. Sometimes it seems like that is the only way to spend time alone. Take tram 20 to the end, get off at the park and go for a jog down by the creek, through the rocks, past the houses, up the biggest hill God ever made (in Prague at least), around the lake and back on the tram. PS this is pretty much socially unacceptable because when people work out in Prague they always shower before getting on the public transit... Oh well. Its only a few stops and I don't care. Also, I think I am the only jogger out there. People either bike or walk. None of this breaking a sweat and running business.

Its funny, being in Prague is like normal life now. Everyone has pretty much settled into their routines of classes, grocery shopping, working out, homework and doing laundry. We have our Wednesday night ISC parties thursday night LOST viewings and our clubbing and thats about it. Nobody eats out because its expensive so we all make food in our little dorm kitchens.

On Tuesday Laura (my roommate from last semester) and LA (Lauren Anderson, college friend) came to visit during their end of semester travel bonanza. They were studying in Santa Chiara, Italy but their semester ended the first week of May. We had a fun time at the clubs on Tuesday night, doing a little sight-seeing, and then a blast at the last country presentation of the year.

So, Thursday, after I have another chat with my studio prof I leave for Barcelona for the weekend! There are six of us going... a nice, even number of people. Any more and finding places to eat is tough, but less than 4 is less fun as far as going out and stuff goes... I can't wait!

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