Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Week 11: Italy

Buongiorno! I know, I know, this post is early, but since I will be travelling this Friday and I don't know if I will have internet access this is my best shot at convincing you I am alive and well. Yes, yes, I am still in Italy, Firenze to be exact. It is almost 10 PM and I am just catching up on some email before hitting the hay. So far I have been to Rome, Orvieto, Siena, and Firenze. Tomorrow we head to Pisa and Cinque Terre, then Venice on Saturday and home Monday night.

Among my favorite things so far have been the Vatican tour I took of the museums and the Sistine Chapel, and La Pieta in St Peters. Also, the Colloseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, the Duomo in Firenze, and the David have been among my favorites *of course*. I promise to make a really nice, lengthy, photo-filled entry upon my arrival in Praha, but for now I have to get my beauty sleep so I can see a lot of sights tomorrow! I love you all and miss you bunches! Ciao.

Here is a picture of Micheangelo's David I got off the internet, just to refresh your memories *we weren't allowed to take pictures of it anyways*

Also, this is the Sistine Chapel...

...and La Pieta. Sorry about the photo quality, I am doing this as fast as possible.

1 comment:

chic308 said...

hey girl-
Im jealous.... I miss you. hope your having fun. mwah!