Friday, March 2, 2007

Cloud 19

Honestly, I cannot believe what a great time I am having. I would say I am on cloud 9, but I think its gone further than that. The scale has been broken; I am now on cloud 19.

I have finally picked out all my classes. The schedule is:

Monday: nothing
Tuesday: Figure Drawing at 5:00 PM
Wednesday: Czech Language at 12:30
Thursday: Studio all day, except during History and Theory of Urbanism 2
Friday: Nothing

Basically that means: 4.5 day weekend every week! I couldn't be happier about that either. I'm a little freaked out about my studio though. I am the only foreign student in it, and the professor seems pretty ambitious. I am glad, because I do want to learn about Architecture while I am here, and about how it is for serious Czech students, but I also want free time... We will see how it goes.

Tonight I think I am going to the mountains with Ondrej, Brittany, and some of Ondrej's friends. I pretty much found out about it last night... I love the randomness. All of my Czech friends who studied at KSU (Ondrej, Pavel, and Tomas) have been awesome and so helpful since I got here. Oh, and I got in touch with "Cousin" Larry and we will probably get together sometime next week. (they are out of town)

Ok so here what happened the past week:

Monday: I spent most of Monday touring different studios. After that I just kinda hung out, made some spagetti, etc, until around 7 when we headed to Limonadavy Joes for Tomas' birthday party.. (see last post)

Tuesday: On Tuesday I did errands like paying for internet, going to studio classes, etc. Then I went to the mall at the Flora stop with Brittany and Emily. It was fun... we didn't get back until like 6. The second I walked in the door, my roommate Marina invited me to go eat some food that all the spanish/latin american kids were making. Turns out they were making a small feast including 2 batches of sangria and had invited pretty much all of the international students. I loved it. Random get-togethers are the best. After that we went and watched a movie because we were all pretty tired and didn't want to leave the dorm.
This is Natalia talking to a friend.
And here is a general shot of the atmosphere... pretty much awesome.

Wednesday: Wednesday was a shopping day for me. I really wanted a pair of jeans.. and ended up with jeans, 2 necklaces, and a purse. Maybe I should have packed more. :) I also did some more photography. It has been really rainy here though, so I haven't done a ton during the day. Every Wednesday night is a party here because there are country presentations followed by hot spot parties. This weeks was the Czech Republic. They did a great job and everyone had a ton of fun.

Here are some of the pictures I took:

A view into the Jewish Cemetary with the Synagogue in the background.

A window downtown.

An entrance to the cathedral.

The scariest stairway in the coolest shoe store ever. Hint: there are mirrors involved.

Thursday: I slept for a while during the day because I was kind of sick. I also got my studio figured out. At night we went to Popo Cafe Petl with Ondrej for Sangria and salsa dancing, but that didn't work out because it was packed. So we went to double trouble for some hot wine and then a cafe after that... good times. Sidebar: If you stay out past midnight here you have to take the night tram home. We did, of course, and on the tram there were these guys talking with really thick scottish accents, or so it seemed. Turns out they are studying at CVUT too... I swear the exchange students are taking over the city. Ok back to the main squeeze, I brought my camera out with me last night so I actually have pictures for once!

The Center at night. Sorry, its a little blurry.

Could I look more like a deer in the headlights? The girls out at Popo Cafe Petl.

The atmosphere in double trouble.

MMM! Smazeny Syr.. its street food: fried cheese on a bun with mayonaise. Its pretty much amazing. And Brittanys a loser for getting a sausage instead. :)

Ok well I am going out to get some lunch! Hope to hear from you soon! feel free to make comments :( (at least Lauren loves me haha)

1 comment:

chic308 said...

i think you look cute in your little "deer in headlights" photo. which reminds me of Tanis, and a caption under a photo of her and her reads "not pretty, but its how we look". I think its pretty much the funniest thing i have heard in a while. Anyway, you know tanis. Use your imagination and laugh. me gusta tu horario. me parace un poco facil pero muy amable. im sure with studio you will keep busy though. Te amo! ttyl.