Monday, March 26, 2007

Week 5: Munich, among other things

So last week Adrienne came to visit me in Prague, and then we went to Munich Wednesday through Saturday. I had a great time. But I am still sick... and I don't really feel like making an epic post right now. But I will put up a few pictures so you get the gist of things. These first ones are from when we are still in Prague.

Prague Castle at night.

Me, Adrienne, and Tomas.

Adrienne and Pavel.

Adrienne and I at Romeo and Juliette.

These ones are from Munich:

A giant fish almost ate me.

I forget what this place is called...


Olympic Park.

Allianz Arena.

Sandra, Sabina, Adrienne, and Dusty the rat. They are friends of Adrienne's family, and they were gracious enough to let me and Adrienne stay with them, and showed us around Munich and taught us to make Spaetzle. :)

Train ride home...

So yeah... I have a lot more pictures you can see when I get back if you like.... we had a really good time though. Now I just need to get healthy before I leave for Greece tomorrow night. I stayed inside all day today and rested to try to get better. Ok... so thats all for now! Peace!

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