Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 3: Better and better

Friday marks my third week here. Time is flying. Soon I am going to be travelling all over Europe, but for now I am just soaking in Prague. Also, I am becoming a shopaholic. Part of this has to do with not bringing nearly enough stuff with me, part with stuff being ruined in the laundry, and part because clothes are just too dang cute here. (and there is always an occasion to wear them) I bought new shoes today... my suede flats are gross... coated in city grime. So I got new ones :) Spending crowns seems much easier than spending dollars. 1 kc=$.05 USA Its dangerous. Here are some pictures from the week:

Crazy BMX biker. Click on the image to enlarge it.

A beautiful door.

View from under a bridge.

More crazy graffittie that I like.

Light in bar.

Martin and I after seeing a documentary at the film fest. (my Czech buddy)

The architecture building... (for some reason the pic didn't rotate and I am too lazy to fix it) My studio is on floor 12. I had my first day of studio today. I was 45 minutes late and only the third person there... oh wait thats because we are on Europe time. You have a good 15-30 minutes before you are actually late for anything.
There is definitely a pool table in my studio... sick. :) And you can open the windows... on the 12th floor... sooo weird. But also really really cool.

So.. I just got done booking my trip to Greece at the end of the month... um YAY! That is all for now... night!

1 comment:

chic308 said...

YOUR GOING TO GREECE???? CHUBI!!! by the way...have you lost some weight cause you look like it :) I love you!!!